So, you wanna sell your home. There are certainly lots of things to consider when getting your house ready to list and you can read more tips here! Something that not many sellers think about is getting their home pre-inspected. While it can cost a few hundred dollars and a couple hours of your time, it can save you some heartache in the long run! So, should you do it? Read more!
What is a home inspection? A certified home inspector will come to your home and spend a couple of hours or more checking out every room and every system in your home. They will help you evaluate things that need to be replaced, things that are potential safety concerns, and things you might just want to look out for as future maintenance items. They will also provide a detailed report (I'm talking 30+ pages!) with every item that they inspected, from the roof down to the outlets! Now, of course no seller is going to get a report like this and go and fix every single thing in the report, so why do it?
It can be helpful to know what a buyer will be told when they go to to their home inspections. If, for example, you did not realize you were living in a home with a roof, HVAC, and water heater that were all nearing the end of their lives, you may want to price the home accordingly or consider replacing at least one of these big items. Alternatively, if your house has new everything, that can be a great selling point! Either way, knowledge is power and it can help you prepare for the negotiations when it comes to the repairs.
Why might someone not want to do this? Well, in my opinion, there really is no downside besides being out the inspection fee. But, I think the knowledge you gain more than makes up for it! It will help you become a more informed and prepared seller and you can avoid some upsetting surprises along the way!